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Own Your Own Franchise!

It's a high-tech, fast-paced world in which we live. Hardly a day goes by without some startling announcement about another new technological breakthrough that promises to change everyday life as we know it. This announcement from the U.S. Department of  Labor is even more startling: the cleaning industry will provide more jobs in the United States than any other single segment of business.


What's the reason behind cleaning services' continued success in the face of a stubborn recession and other obstacles?  Simply put, time- pressed consumers are becoming less inclined to do it themselves when it comes to the tedious chores of keeping house. With both spouses working in most households, luxuries such as restaurant meals and movies are apt to be cut before the cleaning service.  "People are willing to pay for free time today," says one analyst.  "And when that free time comes from giving up something like housework, which they hate to do anyway, it is perceived as even more valuable."


Futurist John Naisbitt predicts that this segment of franchising will continue to grow at a steady rate.  It should share top billing with the restaurant industry as the largest business in franchising. The U.S. Commerce Department backs up Naisbitt's projections.

There are a variety of forces driving this market, but the most powerful is the changing demographics of the U.S. household, in particular, the growth in the number of household where both spouses work outside the home.  


Many demographers and sociologist believe that the increase in the number of dual-income families resulting from the massive infusion of women into the work-force is the most important demographic change to take place. A fundamental change has taken place in U.S. society over the past several years.  For the first time in decades, the majority of mothers of school-age children hold down jobs outside the home. With the increased demands placed on their time, there is a growing tendency to pay for outside help for activities considered nonessential, such as house cleaning.


One of the things about cleaning franchises that appeals most to first-time franchisees is its flexibility. They can start part-time, or plunge in with both feet and start full-time. Both the residential and commercial segments of the cleaning business are virtually free of seasonal demands. Both are accessible to first-time franchisees with limited capital and business experience.  In the residential segment of the industry, and in the industry as a while, maid services are the fastest-growing business. According to Naisbitt's reports, "The success of maid-service franchises is one trend that will dominate the home-services industry in future years." There are a number of reasons behind the popularity of maid services as a franchise opportunity. With 55 million women in the workforce and an almost universal disdain for doing housework are primary factors. The fact that it is an all-cash business is also attractive to many franchisees.  As franchises go, maid services are among the most affordable in terms of total capital required to get the business off the ground.

Custom Maids Opportunity

Solid opportunities exist for franchisees in all areas of the cleaning and maintenance business, both residential and commercial.  In light of the tough economic times we have just come through- and which are still affecting some areas of the country- few business owners are willing to go out on a limb and call their industry "recession-proof."  However, if there is such a thing as a "recession-resistant" business, the cleaning services industry has to be the closest thing to it.

Why Not YOU?

  1. People are willing to pay for free time today, especially when it frees them from housework.

  2. Maid franchises are booming in popularity because they are low cost and their services are in great demand.

  3. Why pay "Big Conglomerate Franchise Fees", when you can own your own turn-key "Custom Maids" franchise for a fraction of the cost?


  Contact us about owning your own Custom Maids franchise today!

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This Web site and the franchise sales information on this site do not constitute an offer to sell a franchise. The offer of a franchise can only be made through the delivery of a franchise offering circular. Certain states require that we register the franchise offering circular in those states. The communications on this web site are not directed by us to the residents of any of those states. Moreover, we will not offer or sell franchises in those states until we have registered the franchise (or obtained an applicable exemption from registration) and delivered the franchise offering circular to the prospective franchisee in compliance with applicable law.

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